We as fans should say thank you Matte for founding SOL, for supplying us with interesting music, concerts and festivals, for upgrading our musical family, for creating a new community of fans and bands and for carrying the torch of the idea of an international brotherhood of fans, magazines - like Heavystoned among others - and bands. The Heavystoned-Team is grateful for your work, your visions and kindness. Actually it´s a must to visit this festival as a symbolic act.
We were honored to got invited to this festival which turned out into a fantastic festival with friends, new friends, new bands and a positive atmosphere around and in the venue. Totally DIY with heart and passion. Check the live reports by clicking the flags below.
And again: alternative culture in Germany takes place thanks to clubs and cultural associations. Thanks to the non-profit status and some financial compensation, numerous festivals in Germany come about in the first place. This is also the case in Karlsruhe, where PsyKa not only organizes festivals and concerts, but also acts as a label for numerous underground bands. This year's PsyKa Festival offers an interesting cross-section of the underground of the underground, mixed with established...
From its beginnings in the Munich club Feierwerk in 2013, Keep it low has grown to a size that makes organizers, bands and the audience happy. There are enough parking areas and hotels around the Backstage; for most of the bands the Backstage was the biggest location on their ongoing or terminating tour. The Munich Backstage, with its three venues "Werk", "Halle" and "Club", together with the adjoining outdoor area with beer garden and bars, is the perfect size for concerts and cozy chilling....
This year's "Keep it Low" is a who's who of the entire stoner and desert rock scene. OK, there's a bit of post-rock, thrash and doom too. Sound of Liberation is simply going "all in" and it's going to be a fantastic line-up. And in one of the best venues in Germany, namely the Backstage in Munich. Three venues, depending on the band's popularity: the factory for 1000 - 1300 spectators, the hall for around 300 spectators and the club for around 150-200 spectators. There is a small downside, as...
Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle ganz herzlich für die Einladung für dieses Kleinod an Festival bedanken. Die Organisation trotzte dem Wetter, sie war flexibel genug, als auf der A5 ein Unfall passierte und Destruction in Zeitnot kamen, sie organisierte Traktoren, um die Zuschauer aus den nassen und schlammigen Wiesen abzuschleppen. Die Location ist wunderschön gelegen. Von den einzelnen Campinggelegenheiten hat man einen unglaublichen Blick über das Osthessische Bergland und die Bühne...