Ze Germans chose a fitting band name in my opinion, consisting of part Silvermachine and part Jefferson Starship or even Ship of Fools by The Doors. And you can find these influences in their music. The opener *Kingdom Of Decay* starts softly, with Jan Gehrmann's hypnotic bass and Tim Schröter's groove leading into Nils Kock's melodic guitar and velvety vocals. The song grows heavier after the second chorus, with fuzz guitars adding weight and a stoner rock outro. *Beast* follows, blending...
Okay, we are making an acoustic Molotov cocktail here. Take the "F**k you"-attitude of Nick Olivieri, the cripping voice of John Garcia, a hardcore punk sound, and a drummer with the pedal to the metal. Yes, could be one of the best forward rocking record of this year. Actually, it´s not that difficult; 4 steps down tuned guitars, a bit of hardcore breaks and oriented by the faster Kyuss-songs like "Green Machine", "100°" and others. The first three songs ("Dogs reunited", "Knockin´on...
Brilliant artwork covers brilliant music; a concept for a lot of bands labeled by Go Down Records. Anuseye did some steps back in the period of Protostoner and late Alternative, means around 1998 and so this record remains timeless.