"The Divine Horsemen" is also the title of a documentary, created by Maya Deren between 1947 and 1952 about the Voodoo Rituals in Haiti. The Divine Horsemen appeared shortly before falling in trance to take hold of the bodies.
The tracklist of the album reflects a multi-cultural trip through music and philosophy. There is and was a lot of talk about the evolution of this album (jam-sessions over 2 days long, 500 minutes of improvising music), the lack of song structures. Yes. This album is an album-oriented album, not a collection of non-coherent songs, it is a ritual, pure and spontanious. According to the original movie "The Divine Horsemen", each and every Voodoo ritual starts wild and furious, with harsh movements to get rid off aggressions. This first part transists into softer movements, rhythms, interrupted by a raging section which leads back to the start and back to the tranquility. And back. It´s a permanent circulation of power transponded by the songs.
In the musically view it´s a trip through Death Metal, Black Metal, Post Rock, Ethno, Tribal, Stoner Rock, played by a variety of different ethnic instruments and - of course - a band. Usually, the lyrics of every "Die Apokalyptischen Reiter" record refelect a personal view of the world, they give us a timeless point of view of the acting of human mankind. On this record the lyrics - sung in different languages- give us a global view of what should be important in our life, see Glossary
The record is shaped by the massive inputs of Sir G´s incredible technically drumming, the different sounds, tones and tunes of Ady´s guitars and the production of Alexander Dietz (Heaven Shall Burn), which gave the guitars a warm, low-mid, up-bass temperature and more tribal oriented toms on the drums. It´s not a typical Heavy Metal production, but this production fits perfectly to the concept of this record.
"The Divine Horsemen" will be a record which will separate the mostly narrow minded Heavy Metal community, there will be just love it or hate it, no in-between, which has been always a feature of masterpieces in music.
This Maori expression means first (hu)man. Tiki is a carved figure with oversized heads to protect people from misshap
The latin word salus means healing, wellness, salvation and in a bigger sense life.
Amma Guru is a femal indian Guru who reached her Dharma by hugging her followers
Hijos del Sol, Sons of the Sun, former high culture in South America
This is a poem written by Joseph von Eichendorff in 1830, which created the neologism "Nightflower", which meant to use your heart during your dreams at night to prevent pain and nostalgia.
Aletheia is the goddess of truth in the old Greek mythology
Duir is one of the eight dwarves in the movie "Snow White and the Huntsman.
The werewolf clan of Barovia call themselves "Children of Mother Night", because they worship that deity.
A suaheli word for understanding and comprehensing.
A Haka is not only the intro of each and every "All Blacks" Rugby match. Actually it´s a physically symphony of the body in which each part express several feelings.
Simbi Makya is the title of an Haitian Voodoo ritual.
Wahe Guru is the title of a mantra.
Actually spoken "achti", which means "my brother" in Arabic. "Uchti" means "my sister".
Ymir is a bisexual primeval giant from the Nordic mythology, which is considered as the first living being.
Eg on Kar is a creator who transfers his power and spirituality by a mantra to us.