It was a collision with our musical past; we listened to Hardcore and Punk at the very beginning of our relationship and we saw Bale and Slamdamn around 10 - 18 years ago. It was interesting that all these bands and their audience aged together and no matter which band played; there was always a circle pit, moshing, slamming etc. It was like it was before and we recognize that we passed this state of mind of being just angry and aggressive. Actually, it was more than social work the bands did. Everybody could get rid of his anger and get some beers to calm down, almost like during a football (soccer) match. It was nice to see Slamdamn again on and off stage.
I mean, all the lyrics were about being against the system in which the band members and the audience are involved. Of course they recognize that they are f**k-up all the time. And that´s the reason to sing against the system and the society.