Egonomic - Personal Reorder, 2024

2001 was a very turbulent year. I was going through a divorce, my relationship with him was breaking up, I was training to be a teacher, and my salary was so low that I couldn't afford my own apartment. On top of that, I wanted to emigrate to Egypt, so I took a three-week trip to Egypt - my 10th in 11 years. My destination was Alexandria, about whose population and urban development over the last 200 years I wrote my thesis in 1993. At the time, I spoke enough Arabic to see behind the facades of society. From this mixture of ideas, numerous lyrics for my band at the time, Damage Done, emerged, but they were never put to music. AI helped me put these lyrics into Melodic Death Metal. This gave rise to Egonomic, the AI-supported Melodic Death Metal project by Nocebo.